Posts in Psychiatry
What causes autism?

This blog post outlines my hypothesis on the causes and development of autism. Which mechanisms give rise to it, how, and why certain individuals get a diagnosis and not others.

The basic idea is that of three interacting factors: degree of autism-ness, cognitive capacity, and environmental effects. The preprint where the hypothesis has been published is linked in the post for further reading.

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What do You Know About Autism?

In this post I briefly outline what is currently known about autism. It is a highly heritable and life-long condition that is present at birth. There are environmental factors that increase the risk. The symptoms of autism are present to some extent in the entire population. There are differences between males and females in how the disorder presents. Having autism and autistic-like traits confer some strengths.

I also present a pathway for how to increase awareness about autism, both on a personal and on a public level.

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