Posts in Sport
Ball possession in Dodgeball

Knowing the number of balls the team has in possession is crucial information as it heavily influences how to plan an attack. I have calculated the expected number of eliminated players with each given ball possession, both for teams and for individual players, and show how these stats can be used by the playmaker to improve success when attacking.

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Tactical Skill in Dodgeball

Many aspects of dodgeball – such as positioning, decision-making, speed and agility, ability to read the game – are hard to identify, record, and analyse. These obscure, qualitative skills can be collected under the umbrella-term “Tactical Skill”.

Using a player’s point scoring and technical skill, one can calculate their tactical skill, and even use it to quantify total skill. The total skill may be used to allowing direct comparison between different players and can be used as an objective method for ranking players by their ability to score and win games.

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The basic skills of Dodgeball - Throwing and Dodging

Technical skill is a measure of a player’s ability to hit opponents and dodge incoming balls. One can estimate the technical skills of players by calculating their hit and defence percentages, and this measure has a high correlation with the ability to score points and win matches. Regression analysis indicates that throwing skill determines about 50% of how good a dodgeball player is, dodging ability determines around 25%, while the last 25% are determined by tactical skills.

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Throwing skill - Why it is important for Dodgeball

Dodging and throwing are essential basic skills in the game of Dodgeball. They are the technical skills that determine how good a player is at scoring points for the team. This post outlines what determines each skill, and in particular how throwing relates to game outcome and other statistical parameters. What happens if you throw a lot? What happens if you don’t throw enough? How can you compare the point scoring efficiency or players? How can you compare attacking skill between players with different throwing percentages and number of throws? All of these questions are discussed in the post.

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